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最小化Legionella Risk in Domestic Water Systems During COVID-19Case Study


    When the COVID-19pandemic hit,many property owners-from those with commercial buildings to colleges and universities-found themselves in anew position:managing facilities that were indefinitely closed.Compounding matters further,building-wide utilities,such as HVAC and drinking water systems,wed,turne,for the first time

    While building closures helped reduce the transmission of coronavirus,it increased the potential for other diseases to spread upon reopening

    When turned off without taking the right precautions,domestic water systems become breeding grounds for dangerous waterborne pathogens,such as legionella

    As public and private facilities are now looking toward fully reopening,there’s a greater risk for pathogens to affect the health and safety of building occupants due to improper shutdown of domestic water systems.In recent months,that’s become more apparent

    Since the pandemic shutdown,Rochester Midland Corporation(RMC)has been called to numerous temporarily closed properties for:

    • 咨询,咨询
    • 水安全plan development
    • Legionella测试
    • 城市供水系统管理

    During the spring of 2020,a commercial property in New Jersey closed for several months.Working with RMC,contaminated stagnant water throughout its domestic water systems was removed and a preventative maintenance plan was implemented

    How Waterborne Pathogens Invade Domestic Water Systems

    Left unused and untreated for long periods of time,water sitting in building utilities goes stagnant.Due to the lack of circulation and disinfection,biofilms can form in many components of building water systems,such as:

    • 颜料,颜料
    • Tanks
    • Cooling towers
    • 助推器,助推器
    • Heat exchangers
    • 填料、填料

    Biofilms are ideal habitats for dangerous pathogens,such as legionella,which causes the deadly Legionnaires’disease。

    When contaminated systems are turned back on before proper disinfection and cleaning,waterborne pathogens can quickly spread throughout an entire building,putting the health and safety of its occupants at risk



    Concerned for the presence of biofilms within its domestic water systems,the property manager of the commercial building in New Jersey contacted RMC to discuss potential solutions

    During a site visit,RMC inspectors tookwater samples and conducted tests for Legionella.The results weren’t surprising--tests revealed high bacteria counts in a number of fixtures throughout the property。

    To remove the pathogen from the building’s systems,RMC worked with the property manager to develop and implement a three-phase water disinfection plan,as well as an ongoing water safety plan

    Duringphase oneof the disinfection,the building’s water lines and fixtures were flushed multiple times over several days.By completely removing water from the systems,so too were the biofilms present within it.Adding new potable water introduced water treated with mild amounts of chlorine and other disinfectants to help kill off the biofilms and other bacteria

    In the next phase,the systems saw a more concentrated disinfection effort

    A crew of professional water treaters added high levels of NSF-60approved chlorine to the water systems and flushed through all fixtures and hot water heaters in the building.The chemical-laden water then left to sit withit it for several hours before being flushed out through all fixtures to sit with in it for several hours befor befor being for being flushed out through all fixtures to dictures in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in to,toEPA guideline levels of<0.4ppm。To complete this phase,the systems saw another round of flushing to remove dead biofilm and bacteria

    The final phaseof disinfection tookplace over a week,with on-site maintenance staff flushing each fixture for approximately5minutes each day.One week later,RMC crews again tested water samples to make sure legionella bacteria was no longer present in the systems

    With RMC,the property owner also developed awater safety plan.Aimed at preventing biofilms and legionella bacteria from making the building’s utilities a home again,the plan detailed the steps management would take to prevent stagnant water,including:

    • 道路水质量评价
    • Weekly heterotrophic bacteriological testing
    • 调节装置
    • (even during another shutdown)

    Though a lengthy process,RMC’s work at the commercial building eradicated biofilms and legionella bacteria from the domestic water systems.Free from dangerous pathogens,the building was clear to reopen without worry for occupants’health and safety


    ore importantly,the property owner had a water safety plan in place.With this tool,stagnant water and accompanying biofilms and bacteria are a thing of the past

    Case Study Application in Higher Ed

    Waterborne pathogens do not discriminate against the utility systems they invade

    Like many commercial properties,colleges and universities shut down their facilities during the pandemic.And just like at commercial properties,domestic water systems not properly prepared and maintained at schools become prime habitats for biofilms and pathogens over prolonged shutdowns

    With reopening on the horizon,officials at educational institutions must consider the higher risk factor represented by the stagnant water conditions in:

    • Dormitories
    • Athletic facilities
    • 公用区,公用区
    • School buildings
    • Office space

    Preventing the spread of one dangerous disease should not put a campus community at risk of exposure to another

    As aspecialist in water disinfection and water safety plan development,RMC can help you ensure your facilities are ready to reapen safely