Consumer Product Safety

Market Monitoring Test Results

 This section provides results of the monitoring tests implemented by NITE to confirm the safety and quality of consumer products (home electrical appliances, combustion appliances, leisure products, baby products, etc).


 In accordance with medium term targets set forth by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,NITE purchases consumer products and conducts market monitoring tests to confirm their safety and quality.
 The monitoring tests mainly examine the products for their compliance with the related laws and regulations such as the Household Goods Quality Labeling Law.
 This section covers the results of monitoring tests implemented from FY2002 onwards.


Product Safety Test

Sample Purchase Tests related to the Household Goods Quality Labeling Law

Sample Purchase Test related to the High Pressure Gas Safety Law

Sample Purchase Tests implemented by Consumer Affairs Centers

Contact us

 Consumer Product Safety Public Relations Division Product Safety Technology Center National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-6-6612-2066
Fax number:+81-6-6612-1617
Address:1-22-16 Nankokita, Suminoe-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 5590034, JapanMAP