Consumer Product Safety

Mini posters


Mini posters

These mini posters (and simulation experimentation images) are created based on the collected accident data by NITE. These are available to download for free, so please use them with "The brochures to promote consumers awareness" and so on.
Note, however that these are not intended to guarantee the safety use of these products. Be sure to read the user's manual before handling the product.

List of poster categories

1-1Electric fans 1

1-2CRT-based TVs

1-3Toilet seat with bidet functions

List of poster categories>Home Electrical appliances

1-4Hair dryers

1-5Power plugs

1-6Aquarium heaters

List of poster categories>Home Electrical appliances

1-7Extension cords

1-8Electric Cooking stoves


List of poster categories>Home Electrical appliances

1-11Power cords 1

1-12Power cords 2


List of poster categories>Home Electrical appliances

1-15Washing machines

1-16Electric Fans 2

1-17Paper shredders

List of poster categories>Home Electrical appliances

1-18Electric heaters

1-19Electric Kotatsus

1-20Power cords 3

List of poster categories>Home Electrical appliances

1-21Electric Fans 3

1-22Air conditioners

1-23IH cooking stoves

List of poster categories>Home Electrical appliances

2-1Kerosene water heaters

2-2Portable gas stoves 1

2-3Gas cooking stoves

List of poster categories>posters on combustion appliances

2-4Kerosene heaters

2-5Portable gas stoves 2

2-6Grillers of
gas cooking stoves

List of poster categories>posters on combustion appliances

2-7Gas cocks and connecting tools

2-8Bath tub water heaters

2-9Kerosene water heaters

List of poster categories>posters on combustion appliances

2-10Portable gas stoves 3


2-12Gas cooking stoves 2

List of poster categories>posters on combustion appliances


3-2Electric wheelchairs with handles


List of poster categories>Others

3-4Foot warmers 1

3-5Foot warmers 2

3-6Low temperature burn injuries

List of poster categories>Others

3-7Spray cans 1

3-9Cigarette lighters

3-10Electric wheelchairs with handles

List of poster categories>Others

3-11Spray can 2

3-12Ignition of clothing

3-13Foot warmers 3

List of poster categories>Others

3-14Accident caused by
kids playing with a lighter

3-15Snow plows


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Contact us

 Consumer Product Safety Public Relations Division Product Safety Technology Center National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-6-6612-2066
Fax number:+81-6-6612-1617
Address:1-22-16 Nankokita, Suminoe-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 5590034, JapanMAP