International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan)

About JCSS


What is JCSS?

JapanCalibrationServiceSystem (JCSS) consists of the National standards provision system and the Calibration laboratory accreditation system introduced by the amended Measurement Act enforced in November, 1993.
Under the JCSS of calibration laboratory accreditation system, calibration laboratories are assessed and accredited as Accredited Calibration Laboratories to meet the requirements of the Measurement Act, relevant regulations and ISO/IEC 17025.InternationalAccreditationJapan(IAJapan), NITE, plays as the accreditation body of JCSS and conducts accreditation process with the system conforming to ISO/IEC 17011 and relevant international criteria.

JCSS symbol

JCSS, Accredited Calibration Laboratories meet the requirements laid down in the Measurement Act as well as those of ISO/IEC 17025.
Calibration certificates with the above JCSS accreditation symbol issued by Accredited Calibration Laboratories assure the traceability to National Measurement Standards as well as a laboratory's technical and operational competence and are acceptable in the world through the ILAC and APAC MRA.
(Reference Material Producers meets the requirements of ISO 17034 and ISO/IEC 17025)

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National Measurement Standards Provision System

METI designates National Primary Standards or Reference Materials, which are the source of calibration in response to industrial needs and the provision scheme of national measurement standards based on the Measurement Act.
National Metrology Institute Japan of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (NMIJ/AIST), Japan Electric Meters Inspection Corporation (JEMIC) and METI-Designated Calibration Laboratories calibrate and evaluate the reference standards of Accredited Calibration Laboratories (i.e. Secondary Standards) with their National Primary Standards. From April 2001, these Accredited Calibration Laboratories could provide calibration services to the other Accredited Calibration Laboratories in the lower level of traceability hierarchy.
These expansions of JCSS Scheme realizes and ensures the traceability of measurement to measuring instruments or testing machines used in the working level. The traceability system of measurement under JCSS is as follows;

Relationship between National Standard Provision Scheme and
Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Scheme under JCSS

picture of std-system

For more information about the current situation of National Measurement Standards, please contact with Weights and Measures Research Office of NMIJ.

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What is Metrological Traceability?

"Metrological Traceability" is defined to
"Property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference
through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty. "
in VIM 3: International vocabulary of metrology - Basic and general concepts and associated terms

Why is metrological traceability important ?

Clock of Zanzibar Island

Once upon a time, in the Zanzibar Island.
A retired captain makes a rule of a "DONG" at noon every day for people.
The old captain sets the time of his watch by the clock in a shop of the island.
The clock shop sets his clock by the captain's "DONG".

By the way, which time is correct?
The answer is that... maybe both are correct and either of them could be a standard in the island.
Then, what should they do to adjust their time to those outside of the island?
It would be necessary for them to ensure the metrological traceability.

Contact us

JCSS Team,Accreditation Division for Metrology, International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan), National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-3-3481-8242
Fax number:+81-3-3481-1937
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1510066, JapanMAP
Contact Form