International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan)

Publication Documents (JCSS)


The information is as of September 11, 2023.

General Requirements and guidance documents

Doc. ID Title
UIF03 Accreditation Scheme Document
JCRP22S02 Manual for the Accreditation Application and Assessment Activity System (JCSS)
JCRP21 General Requirements for JCSS Registration and Accreditation
JCRP22 Guidance on Obtaining and Maintaining JCSS Registration and Accreditation
JCRP22S01 Guidance for making documents for applying JCSS Registration/Accreditation
URP23 IAJapan Policy on Measurement Traceability
URP24 IAJapan Policy on Proficiency Testing
ASG104 Beginners' Guide on Uncertainty of Measurement
Metrology in Short

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Specific Application Documents (for the application of ISO/IEC 17025 to each calibration field)

Doc. ID Field Title
JCT20101 Length Laser Wavelength
JCT20102 Gauge Blocks (Interferometry method), End Gauges with flat ends (Interferometry method)
JCT20103 Gauge Blocks (Comparison Method), End Gauges with Flat Ends (Comparison Method)
JCT20104 Standard Scale
JCT20105 Rules, Steel Tape Measures
JCT20108 Ring gauges, Plug gauges
JCT20109 Calipers, Height Gauges, Depth Gauges, Micrometers, Indicating Micrometers
JCT20110 Dial Gauges, Dial Test Indicators, Calibration Testers for Dial Gauges, Cylinder Gauges, Electrical Comparators
JCT20117 Calibration Apparatus for Extensometers, Extensometers, Width meters
JCT20107 Electro-optical Distance Measuring Instruments
JCT20111 Flatness
JCT20112 One Dimensional Grating
JCT20113 Coordinate Measuring Machines
JCT20114 Surface Texture
JCT20115 Roundness
JCT20116 Sphere
JCT20118 Gauges for Coordinate Measuring Machines
JCT20201 Volume Graduated Cylinder, Flask
JCT20202 Pipette
JCT20301 Mass Weight, Deadweight
JCT20302 Non-Automatic Electronic Weighing Instruments, Non-Automatic Mechanical Weighing Instruments
JCT20401 Force Force-proving Instruments (according to JIS B 7728 (ISO 376))
JCT20401S01 Additional Guide for Calibration Method for Force-proving Instruments (according to JIS B 7728 (ISO 376))
JCT20403 Force-proving Instruments (applying JIS B 7721 (ISO 7500-1))
JCT20404 Force-proving Instruments (according to ASTM E74)
JCT20402 Uniaxial Testing Machines According to JIS B 7721 (ISO 7500-1)
JCT20405 Uniaxial Testing Machines According to ASTM E4
JCT20501 Pressure Pressure Balance, Liquid Manometer, Mechanical Type, Pressure Gauges, Pressure Gauges
JCT20502 Vacuum Gauge
JCT20503 Standard Leak
JCT20601 Viscosity Viscosity Standards
JCT20701 Time & Frequency & Rotational speed Frequency Standards, Frequency Generator, Frequency Counter, Time-Interval Source, Time-Interval Measuring Equipment,Tachometer
JCT20810 Fluid Flow Gas flow meters
JCT20820 Water flow meters
JCT20850 Micro flow meters
JCT20830 Oil flow meters, Oil flow calibration facilities
JCT20840 Anemometers
JCT20901 Torque Torque measuring devices, Reference torque wrenches
JCT20902 Torque testing machines, Torque wrench testers
JCT20903 Hand torque tools
JCT21010 Electrical (DC & LF) Common requirements
JCT21011 DC Resistance, DC Voltage, DC Current
JCT21003 AC Voltage, AC Current
JCT21004 Electric Power, Electric Energy
JCT21005 Low Frequency Impedance
JCT21006 Oscilloscope
JCT21007 Slight Current, Electrical Charge
JCT21008 Temperature Indicator
JCT21101 Electrical (HF) Attenuator, Attenuation Measuring Equipment
JCT21102 Dipole Antenna for Electric Field
JCT21103 RF Voltage
JCT21104 RF Power
JCT21105 Laser Power
JCT21106 RF noise
JCT21107 Optical attenuation
JCT21108 RF Impedance (One Port), RF Impedance (Two Port)
JCT21301 Temperature Common requirements for Contact Type Thermometer
JCT21302 Resistance thermometer
JCT21303 Liquid-in-glass thermometer
JCT21304 Thermometer with indicator
JCT21305 Thermometer calibration equipment
JCT21306 Thermocouple
JCT21301S01-01 Supplementary Guide for Thermometer with indicator (equipped within temperature controlled enclosures)
JCT21307 Exemplification for Contact Type Thermometer
JCT21321 Near-infrared radiation thermometer / Visible radiation thermometer
JCT21322 Infrared radiation thermometers, Variable-temperature blackbody furnaces
JCT21400 Photometry Luminous Intensity Standard Lamp
JCT21500 Acoustics Measurement Microphone, Sound Level Meter, Sound Calibrator
JCT21701 Radiation & Radioactivity & Neutron X-ray Measuring Equipment, γ-ray Measuring Equipment
JCT21703 γ-ray Measuring Equipment
JCT21704 Water Absorbed Dose
JCT21711 β rays Measuring Instrument
JCT21721 Fast neutrons Measuring Instrument
JCT21731 α/β rays Radionuclides and γ(X) rays Radionuclides
JCT21801 Hardness Rockwell Hardness Testing Machines
JCT21802 Rockwell Hardness Reference Blocks
JCT21811 Vickers Hardness Testing Machines
JCT21812 Vickers Hardness Reference Blocks
JCT22000 Humidity Dew point hygrometers, Aspirated psychrometers, Electronic hygrometers, Thermal conductivity type hygrometers, Humidity generators
JCT22001 Exemplification for Humidity Measuring Instrument, etc.
JCT22101 Heat Calorimetric Benzoic Acid
JCT22102 Concentration Standard gases
JCT22103 Standard liquids
JCT22201 Acceleration Reference Accelerometer
JCT22300 Density & Refractive index Solid Density Standard, etc., Density Standard Liquids, etc., Hydrometers, Oscillation-type density meters
JCT22301 Refractive Index Standard, Refractometer
JCT22401 Angle Angle Measuring Instrument

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Estimation Examples of Uncertainty
(for the guidance of calibration methods and estimation of MU for each calibration field)

Doc. ID Field Title
JCG200 Commonness Guide for Expression of Uncertainty
JCG200S11 Guide for Expression of Uncertainty - Null Measurement Uncertainty
JCG200S21 Guide for Expression of Uncertainty - Interpolation Formula
JCG23001 Gravitational Acceleration
JCG23002 Guide for Expression of Uncertainty
JCG201S21 Length Laser Wavelength
JCG201S31 Gauge Blocks, End Gauges with Flat Ends
JCG201S41 Standard Scale, Rules, Steel Tape Measures
JCG201S51 Calipers, Height Gauges, Depth Gauges, Micrometers, Indicating Micrometers
JCG201S61 Dial Gauges, Dial Test Indicators, Calibration Testers for Dial Gauges, Cylinder Gauges, Electrical Comparators
JCG201S71 Ring gauges, Plug gauges
JCG201S101 Calibration Apparatus for Extensometers, Extensometers, Width meters
JCG201S81 Flatness
JCG201S91 Sphere
JCG202S11 Volume Graduated Cylinder, Flask
JCG202S21 Pipette
JCG203S11 Mass Weight, Deadweight
JCG203S21 Non-Automatic Electronic Weighing Instruments, Non-Automatic Mechanical Weighing Instruments
JCG204S11 Force Force-proving Instruments (according to JIS B 7728 (ISO 376))
JCG204S12 Force-proving Instruments (applying JIS B 7721 (ISO 7500-1))
JCG204S13 Force-proving Instruments (according to ASTM E74)
JCG204S21 Uniaxial Testing Machines According to JIS B 7721 (ISO 7500-1)
JCG204S22 Uniaxial Testing Machines According to ASTM E4
JCG206S11 Viscosity Viscosity Standard liquid
JCG206S21 Viscometer
JCG207S11 Time & Frequency & Rotational speed Frequency Standards, Frequency Generator, Frequency Counter, Time-Interval Source, Time-Interval Measuring Equipment, Tachometer
JCG208S11 Fluid Flow Fluid Flow
JCG209S11 Torque Torque measuring devices, Reference torque wrenches
JCG209S21 Torque testing machines, Torque wrench testers
JCG209S31 Hand torque tools
JCG210S11 Electrical (DC & LF) Nominal 10 kΩ standard resistor
JCG210S21 Hand-held digital multimeter at 100 V DC
JCG211S11 Electrical (HF) Coaxial step attenuator at a setting of 30 dB
JCG211S21 Power Sensor
JCG211S31 RF Impedance
JCG213S11 Temperature Contact Type Thermometer
JCG213S21 Radiation Thermometer
JCG217S11 Radiation & Radioactivity & Neutron X rays and γ rays
JCG218S11 Hardness Rockwell Hardness Testing Machines, etc.
JCG218S21 Vickers Hardness Testing Machines, etc.
JCG221S11 Concentration Standard liquids

Contact us

JCSS Team,Accreditation Division for Metrology, International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan), National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-3-3481-8242
Fax number:+81-3-3481-1937
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1510066, JapanMAP
Contact Form