International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan)

Scope of Accreditation (ASNITE)


Calibration Laboratories

Accreditation scope for calibration laboratories is generally based on, and similar to that of JCSS. For NMIs, the technical classification at the CIPM (Consultative Committees) is applied. For more details, please contact IAJapan.

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Testing Laboratories

Accreditation scope for testing laboratories is generally based on, and similar to that of JNLA. For more details, please contact IAJapan.

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Testing Laboratories for IT

IT products and systems used in e-Government are recommended to be evaluated its security according to international standards. ASNITE testing laboratories for IT perform security evaluation of IT products and systems or cryptographic module testing.

Category of Accreditation (Category of Certifcation)
IT Common Criteria
Software Evaluation Body in JISEC (*1)
Hardware(Smartcard etc.)
Modules Test
Cryptgrapnic Software module Evaluation Body in JCMVP (*2)
Cryptgrapnic Hardware module
System LSI Penetration Test 

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Reference Material Producers (RMP)

Accreditation Sub-scopes under the ASNITE RMP accreditation program are as follows. For more details, please contact IAJapan.

“Chemical Reference Materials”, “Biological and Clinical Reference Materials”, “Physical Reference Materials”, “Engineering Reference Materials”, and “Miscellaneous Reference Materials”.

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Product Certification Bodies

The accreditation scope is as follows;

  Liquid Petroleum Gas Appliances Safety Field
  Textile Product Field
  Railway System Field
  OIML Field
  Textile Exchange Field
  IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme Field
  Eco Mark Field
  PKS Field

About further extension or addition of the accreditation scope, please see the page of “Publication Document”.

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Accreditation Symbol attached on Certificates/Reports

Accreditation symbol under ILAC/APAC MRA

Accreditation symbol under ILAC/APAC MRA
"0000" is ID Number and "XX" is the scope identification(Calibration, Testing, RMP).

Accreditation symbol under Product Certification Body

Accreditation symbol
(Product Certification Body)

Contact us

International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan), National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
Phone number:+81-3-3481-1946
Fax number:+81-3-3481-1937
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 1510066, JapanMAP
Contact Form