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We believe there’s alot to love in the tastes and nutrition that nature provides naturally.That’s why our By Nature dog food recipes are bursting with the natural goodness of SUPERFUSION,an advanced nutritional blend of PREMIUM PROTEINS,powerful SUPER INGREDieENTS and SUPERIORPROBIO clude goji berry,ginger, taurine,turmeric,apple cider vinegar,chicory root extract,kelp,pumpkin,spinach,blueberries,fava beans and coconut oil.This combination of superfoods helps boosts your dog’s immune system and provides antioxidants that are good for the eyes,kidney,and liver.Superfood redients tion, provide anti-inflammatory benefits,help prevent heart disease,improve digestion,and enhance skin and coat。

We want the best for your dog,so we handcraft our dry dog food in small batches with only the finest natural ingredients.Our recipes are formulated without corn,wheat, orsoy to give your dog wholesome goodness without artificial flavors and fillers.At the heart of our success is our time-honored commitment to slow-cooking for optimal nutrient retention and maximum energy.Slow-cooking creates a higher starch conversion which leads to increased stamina and energy.Natrized sed mina and ergy.Natrized archers at Kansas State University confirmed this fact after months of testing。

Our story began forty years ago when the Golladay Family began making pet food in asmall feed mill in Rogers,Ohio.After outgrowing the Rogers facility,they moved operations to Lisbon,Ohio where we continue to manufacture pet food today.We make all our dry dog and cat foot foot outer,facity, so we control and are committed to the quality of all our products.We are proud to be a family-operated business and never cut corners because we know just how important pets are!All of us at by Nature Pet Food invite you to purchase one of our recipes and let your pet experience the slooklieven to purchave.ppiness, so if for any reason you are not happy,please reach out to us@Info@blackwoodpetfood单击功能区上,and we will make it right。