Joomla! is a global, non profit, Open Source project working with only volunteers and their contributions. Volunteers are key to our growth and success. Contributing to Joomla! is easy and will give you great satisfaction. Anyone can contribute, whatever your skillset is, with as much time as you want. It’s also a great way to give back to your beloved CMS.

Part of our companies' success is due to the fact that we use Joomla. We can develop good websites with a versatile CMS that is freely available. That is my reason to contribute to Joomla, give something back. --René Kreijveld

What are your benefits as a volunteer?

You gain a global network full of people who have a passion for Joomla! just like yourself. People who become friends, co-workers, co-volunteers,... You’re able to attend great events around the world.

Wonderful friends around the world! --Alison Meeks

You’re able to help out and decide the future of our beloved CMS. You will stay on top of the developments and insights of all areas of the web.

As a volunteer I get steady flow of new insights into all areas of the web while contributing to Joomla! --Christopher Wagner

How can you contribute?

There are several ways to contribute at Joomla. We’ll list the most important. You can contact form to theVolunteer Engagement Team, who will gladly assist you to the correct team.

Join a Team

All ourvolunteerscontribute by participating in theJoomla! Teams. Each team focuses on a specific aspect of Joomla! essential to the Project's overall growth.

Be a helpful poster

Do you know Joomla! by heart? Willing to help other people out? Joomla! forum users helping one another is one of the cornerstones of our community.Registering on the forum is quick and easy, and you can get started right away helping people just like you.

Provide documentation or translations

You’re good at writing, screenshotting or translating? TheJoomla! Documentation Wikiis a living website for help documentation (also the help screens served in the backend), tutorials, walkthroughs, and other helpful resources. Joomla! is translated into many languages by our volunteers. You can translate documentation, tutorials or even Joomla! itself into your language. Visit oursimple guidelines pageto get started.

Become a tester or solve issues.

We are always looking for more people to test patches, find and fix bugs, and help clarify issue reports on our bug tracker. Visit theissue trackerto help out. If you have programming skills, we recommend you inquire about joining theJoomla! Bug Squad.

Localise Joomla! Resources

Offer your local community a great benefit by translating Joomla! Resources on our localisation platform,Crowdin. You can translate the marketing materials, official extensions, websites and templates. If your language is missing, just ask a manager to add it.

Contribute in Other Ways

There are a number of other ways both individuals and companies can contribute to The Joomla! Project. To know more, please contact theVolunteers Engagement Team.  


Joomla gives me so much, in the past and present (my business is based on Joomla), that I try to give something back. It doesn’t need to be positive all the time, there’s some sort of loyalty, that help me through the downs. --Ufuk Avcu
Like most people involved in the project, I have gained a lot from using Joomla personally, professionally, and even financially. It is a privilege to be able to give back to the project that has given so much. --Ken Crowder
I want to give back to the community that has helped me to build my business and shape my life in all these years --Carlos Cámara Mora