ISO has put together groups of experts that represent every sector imaginable from soaps to spacecraft,MP3to coffee.In fact there are more than250technical committees。You can find out what they do here

ISO members can choose whether they want to be part of a particular TC,and their level of involvement.O-members can observe the standards that are being developed,offering comments and advice.While P-members actively participate by voting on the standard at various stages of its development。

In most cases,the experts that develop ISO Standards work in the field.They may have expert knowledge butthey’re not isolated professors of theory.They understand and anticipate the challenges of their sector,using standardization as tool to create a level playing field that benefits everyone

It is possible to see a member’s participation in technical committees by clicking on the relevant entry in themember list


All of ISO’s technical work,including the technical committees,is managed by the Technical Management Board(TMB)。Some of the TMB’s tasks include setting up technical committees,appointing chairs and monitoring the progress of technical work.The TMB reports to the ISO Council。



ore than three quarters of ISO members are from developing countries.The knowledge and expertise reflected in International Standards help developing countrize their potential and getting involved in the development work makes sure that their needs are taken into account.ISO supports the participard of tripord in已开发成本表(ization throughits Committee on Developing Country Matters)DEVCO)。

Read more aboutISO and developing countries

Twinning relationshipsis one of the actions ISO has taken to support participation from developing country members.A twinning relationship means that members can work together to build capacity of a developing country.For more information plead theGuidance on Twinning或控制技术管理板

ISO and developing countries


The views of consumers also need to be taken into account when developing standards.Standards often shape product characteristics.If consumers平面主动控制系统单击功能区上,the characteristics of a product or service are more likely to meet their needs.This creates a win-win situation for the consumer and manufacturer or service provider。

ISO International Standards through the participation of the NGO消费者国际,消费者国际national members in the technical committees.ISO also has a Committee on Consumer Policy(COPOLCO)that drives ISO policy in support of greater consumer involvement。

What ISO standards do for you