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【通知】第13届PCCP Prize获奖者已确定


Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC;英国皇家化学会发行的学术杂志PCCP(Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics)设立了“PCCP Prize”,根据RSC的合作委托,本会从2007年开始每年都会推荐数名获奖候选人,在春季年会期中与RSC联合举行表彰仪式。

前几天召开了“PCCP Prize评选委员会”,根据分区推荐的25份获奖应征文件,将研究课题、业绩结果、成果的发表状况等作为评价项目进行了慎重且严格的审查。结果,内定了以下3名获奖者,在2月6日召开的第643届理事会上得到了批准,现报告如下。

另外,获奖者将被邀请参加第99春季年会期第3天3月18日18时开始举办的国际研讨会招待会(International Chemists'Evening),并获得奖状(PCCP Prize Certificate for Outstanding Achievement of Young Scientists in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics)以及奖金、,及副奖纪念品由RSC代表颁发。恭喜您获奖。

PCCP Prize2019获奖者一览


Hemoprotein Engineering by Chemical Modification toward Biomaterials and Artificial Enzymes



For sustainable chemistry,protein is one of the promising materials due to the fine-tuned functions accompanied by the sophisticated structures context,the present work has demonstrated the chemical approach of modification of hemoproteins toward biomaterials and artifical metalloenzymes继续阅读


德velopment of ultrafast time-domain Raman spectroscopy using few-cycle pulses and its application to complex molecular systems


Revialing the nuclear rearrangements of complex,polyatomic molecules during chemical reactions is essential forunderstanding their elaborate molecular mechanism behind.Inorder to achieve this,it is highly desirable to record a series of snapshot structuresof areacting molecule from the reactant,all the way down to the product with high time resolution.…(继续阅读


Two-Dimensional Conjugated Frameworks towards Unveiling Microscopic Energy Storage/Conversion Mechanism


Advancing redox-chemistry-based energy science is one of the most urgent challenges in the 21st century.The milestone developments in this field have often been made by understanding basic problems on reaction mechanism.Especially, structure-property correlations on electrode materials are crucially important in both electrochemical energy storage and electrocatalysis.Therefore,solving fundamental questions can give striking impacts to present key energy technologies。。。。(继续阅读)