Tohoku University Fund - Tohoku University

Tohoku University Fund

Support for Tohoku University

Education and Research Support

Tohoku University strives to provide the most conducive environment for top class education and research. The Tohoku University Fund supports the building of facilities to help nurture our talented students and faculty and to help their aspirations grow.

International Exchange and Study Abroad Support

The Tohoku University Fund supports the "Tohoku University Foundation Global Hagi Study Abroad Awards” to broaden students’ education and aid their personal development. Successful applicants receive 150,000-300,000 yen to fund their departure preparation and a monthly stipend of 60,000-100,000 yen for up to a year and a half. By the end of the 2015 fiscal year, 99 outstanding students had received these awards. An additional 128 students have also been subsidized for the "Study Abroad Program," a shorter-term program lasting 2-5 weeks.

In 2015, a "High School Bridging Program" was launched, allowing incoming freshmen to spend two weeks overseas before starting classes at the university. Over 30 students have already benefitted from this program - the first of its kind in Japan.

Student Club Activities Support

Clubs and student groups that achieve excellent results in competitions or contribute significantly to the university and local community are eligible for funding via the “Extra-curricular Activities Awards.” To date, some 70 organizations have received the 50,000 yen prize from this scheme. Additionally, 31 student organizations involved in volunteer activities have been subsidized by up to 300,000 yen.

Social Contribution Activities Support

One of our most valuable resources is our alumni, many of whom are doing important work around the world. Strengthening ties between present and past members of our Tohoku University family is paramount, and Tohoku University Fund takes active steps to do this by supporting the annual homecoming day, alumni meetings and gatherings all over Japan.

Support for Specific Projects

Recognition for Gifts

  1. 1. The Tohoku University Fund will publish the name of donors in a General Donors Book. If they prefer, donors may also remain anonymous.
  2. Awards will be made according to the amount of the donation

Awards Individual Corporation or Organization
Honorary Service Award 30 million yen or more 100 million yen or more
Special Service Award 10 million yen or more 50 million yen or more
Service Award 1 million yen or more 10 million yen or more
Special Merit Award 500,000 yen or more 5 million yen or more
Merit Award 100,000 yen or more 1 million yen or more

Donors who qualify for the above awards will also receive the following:

  • The donor's name engraved on a plate on the Donors Board located in the Extended Education and Research Building.
  • An invitation to the Donors' Party hosted by the president of Tohoku University.

Tax Benefits

Donations to Tohoku University will qualify for the following tax benefits.

For Japanese taxpayers:

<Individual Benefits>
A donation of up to 40% of your annual income (minus 2,000) is tax deductible in the applicable year.
* Note: Additional prefectural and municipal benefits are available for residents of Miyagi Prefecture.

<Corporations and Organizations>
Donations to the Tohoku University Fund from corporations and organizations are 100% tax deductible in the applicable year.

For US taxpayers:

Donations to the Tohoku University Fund at Give2Asia are tax-deductible. For more details, please visit the Tohoku University Fund at

For Further Information, Contact:

Tohoku University Fund

2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai

980-8577 Miyagi Japan

TEL:+81 22-217-5058

FAX:+81 22-217-4818

E-mail: kikin* (Please replace * with @)

