

Pictured:Unhappy woman with her head in her hands in front of her baby's stroller/iStock, AndreyPopov

Despite launching with just days left in 2023,Sage Therapeuticspostpartum depression therapy Zurzuvae(zuranolone)made$1.6 million in sales,the Massachusetts-based biotech reported in Wednesday’s四角和四角形焊缝

CEO Barry Greene in an investor call said that Zurzuvae launched in mid-December 2023,“giving us about10days in 2023where women with[postpartum depression(PPD)]in need of treatment could access”the drug。

In that short amount of time,Sage was able to deliver approximately120prescriptions of Zurzuvae at the end of the fourth quarter.In the U.S.,Sage is looking at a market of around500000women who experience PPD after giving birth each year。

“It’s early but I do believe that Zurzuvae is the key to unlock the blockbuster potential of PPD,enabling us to help many women suffering from postpartum depression,“Greene said during the call,adding that the company expects the market to grow even further as the industry and healthcare system increasingly recognize PPD asan urgent and serious medical condition。

Greene also reported“encouraging developments across the treatment landscape,”including a specialty distribution network that delivers Zurzuvae to patients’homes,ongoing conversations that lower PPD stigma as well as patients themselves advocating for Zurzuvae。

“We’re early in launch days,and there are aspects of launch we certainly need to optimize,but the initial response and uptake are high ly encouraging,”Greene said。

Zurzuvae is an orally available neuroactive steroid that works by binding to the GABA-A receptor,modulating its response to the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA.Sage is developing and commercializing Zurzuvae in partnership with Biogen,with which is splits the revenues。

已批准的计划2023单击功能区上,Zurzuvae is the first pill cleared for PPD.At the time,however,Zurzuvae missed out on the FDA’s greenlight for major depressive disorder,which would have given it access to a much larger market。

Following that FDA rejection,Sage’s shares tanked and the company40%的预制件工件weeks later。

Sage appears to have recouped some of its losses since then,but it has yet to fully recover.During the fourth quarter of 2023,the biotech reported anet product revenue of nearly$1.99million,down from nearly$2.87million during the same period the prior year.Sage’s net revenue in the quarter sat just justow,million, driven heavily bya$75million license and milestone boost from Biogen。

By the end of December2023,Sage had over$753million in cash,cash equivalents and marketable securities,down from the nearly$1.3billion it had in 2022。

Tristan Manalac is an independent science writer based in Metro Manila,Philippines.Reach out to him onLinkedIn过热器,过热器tristan@tristanmanalac.com或,或tristan.manalac@biospace.com
