
Figures are submitted electronically,separately from the manuscript.Do not embed any images within the manuscript file.Also,all submitted micrographs must be in color;black and white micrographs will not be accepted for publication。

File formats accepted are TIFF(preferred),EPS,high-resolution JPG,and high-quality PDF(no image compression)。PowerPoint slides,Excel graphs,and images embedded in Word are not acceptable。

最小分辨率:600dpi for line art(for example,graphs in black and white);300dpi for color(save as CMYK;not RGB or indexed)or grayscale images(save black and white images as grayscale);1200dpi for scanned line art(save as TIFF)。Photos taken with a digital camera must have a resolution of at least4megapixels。

创建figures with a width of 93.47 mm(single column)或177.8 mm(double column);do not enlarge created figure to meet these dimensions。

设计面板(no periods)in the upper left corner of the image;keep size of lettering and other labels(at least3mm in height as submitted)consistent between panels of a figure and between figures。Embed fonts within digital images。

Indicate the magnification factor of an image by including an appropriate size bar in its lower right corner。

Minimize the use of colorin charts,graphs,and drawings to that necessary for clarity of communication and ease of understanding.Usersolid fill or percentage screens(not pattern or textured fills)and a minimum line weight of 0.5 pt throughout。

公共应用程序为Below are items to consider when generating figures for publication purposes:

  • 2 column figures need to be created with a width of 177.8mm and a minimum resolution of 300DPI。Single column figures need to be created with a width of 93.47mm and a minimum resolution of 300DPI。
  • Photos taken with a digital camera must have a resolution of at least4megapixels。
  • 导出文件from PowerPoint as a PDF only。
  • 导出files from SigmaPlot as a PDF only。
  • 导出files from GraphPad Prism as PDF only。
  • 导出文件from Excel as PDF only。
  • Save figures created in Word as PDFs。
  • Figures need to be originally sized with the correct resolution.Figures cannot be resized or resolution increased after they have been created.This causes pixilation/resampling which will result in lower quality image。
  • Do not paste images into Word/PowerPoint/Excel.Send the original source file。
  • Word files are not acceptable formats for figures.Please provide the figures as individual files(Figure1,Figure2)in TIFF,JPEG,or PDF format。
  • 从轨道轨道/

附加information regarding generating and formatting figures is available by emailingBrenda Johnson。