
奔腾Seeks US Protections for Atlantic Humpback Dolphin

Today,the Animal Welfare Institute and other conservation groups petitioned the National Marine Fisheries Service to list the Atlantic humpback dolphin under the US Endangered Species Act(ESA)。Atlantic humpback dolphin populations are in serious。。。

House Committe Move to Reform Federal Wild Horse Program

AWI和American Wild Horse Campaign(AWHC)commend the US House Appropriations committee for advancing bipartisan language today that would require the Bureau of Land Management(BLM)to implement an。。。

House Votes to Ban Unsafe Horse Transport

The Animal Welfare Institute(AWI)applauds the US House of Representatives for passing the Horse Transportation Safety Act(HTSA)today as part of a massive infrastructure bill.The HTSA would ban the use of unsafe。。。

自反转轨道到末端Cruel Practice of Horse Soring

Friday,June 252021
The Animal Welfare Institute(AWI)endorses Thursday’s reintroduction in the Senate of the Prevent All Soring Tactics(PAST)Act(S.2295)to combat the inhumane practice of“soring,”whereby individuals intentionally inflict pain on horses’。。。


The Animal Welfare Institute(AWI)commends members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for passing the Horse Transportation Safety Act(HTSA)today as part of surface transportation legislation。HTSA would ban the use。。。

预应力双头螺栓到Ban Horse Slaughter

Federal lawmakers reintroduced legislation today to permanently ban horse slaughter in the United States and end the current export of American horses for slaughter abroad。


The Animal Welfare Institute(AWI)welcomes the reintroduction of the Pet Safety and Protection Act by Representatives Mike Doyle(D-PA)and Christopher Smith(R-NJ)。