Wildlife Killing Contests

Photo by Mat Knoth

Wildlife killing contests are organized events in which participants kill animals within a certain timeframe for cash,prizes,entertainment,or other inducements.Teams compete in judging categories that often focus on the number of animals killed,the weight or the sex of animals killed,partiies, or smallest or largest body or body part of the animal killed.Contests frequently involve betting and end with a check-in or weigh-in of the animals,followed by a party where contest prizes are awarded.Afterwards,away from public view the carcarcasses of the animals are usually dumped。

Wildlife killing contests are cruel and have no place in acivil society or in modern wildlife management.Contests usually target native carnivores,including coyotes,bobcats,and foxes,as well as smaller animals,such as squirrels and rabbits.These events can result in hundreds of animals being wiped off a landscape in a single weekend.Such contests are antithetical to the respectful,ethical,and pro-conservation message necessary to ensure the long-term protection of our country’s wildlife

AWI is working to ban these contests at state and federal levels.We led the successful effort to ban killing contests in Colorado,and have engaged in advocacy work on this issue in other states as well,including in Arizona,Maryland,Massachusetts,Nevada,New York,Oregon,Virginia,and Washington.AWI is a member of the steering committee of theNational Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests单击功能区上,which works to raise awareness about the issue;support action to ban contests through legislation,regulatory reform,and litigation;and advocate for humane wildlife management。


1.Wildlife killing contests are cruel and contravene hunting principles

Wildlife killing contests are cruel,barbaric,and wasteful,which violates fundamental hunting principles.The very nature of these events—where participants are motivated by financial rewards to kill as many animals asallowed over a designated time period—increases the likelihood that participants will fail to abide by established hunting principles.Suprich oples“fair chase”and decry waste and indiscriminate killing。Contest participants frequently disregard the principle of fair chase, with participants using bait and electronic calling devices to attract animals with sounds that mimic prey or distress calls of wounded young in an attempt to maximize the channing cash and prizes.The carcasses of the animals are usually wasted because they are rarelyused for food or fur, and are commonly thrown away after weigh-in.Furthermore,an untold number of animals are orphaned or injured during these events.Killing adult bobcats,coyotes,foxes,and other species inevitable leaves dependent young to die from thirst,starvation,predation,or exposure。

Numerous state wildlife agencies and officials have recognized that killing contests undermine the reputation of hunters.Contests have been characterized by state officials as“slaughter fests”and“stomach-turning examples of wanton waste”that are“about personal profit[and]animal cruelty.”Investigation video footage has shown contest participants slinging dead coyotes and foxes into piles to be weighed and judged,joking about the methods used to lure and kill the animals,and laughing and posing for photos in front of arow of foxes strung up by their feet.Such behavior demonstrates a complette lack of respect for wildlife,promotes gratouitous violence,and sends the irresponssible and disturbing message that want on killing fun。

2.Wildlife killing contests undermine science-based wildlife management

The indiscriminate killing promoted by wildlife killing contests is counterproductive to effective wildlife population management.Scientific studies have shown that many wildlife populations depleted by unnatural means simply reproduce more quickly due to the sudden drin competition for resources and the dicture ofS.This effect is well documented for coyote populations in particular,which are common targets of wildlife killing contests.State wildlife management agencies across the country have recognized that killing contests do not control coyote population size over the long term.In the short term, loss of coyotes negatively impacts the environment because the species is an integral part of healthy ecosystems。

3.Wildlife killing contests do not increase populations of game animals

The best available science indicates that indiscriminately killing native carnivores is not an effective method forincreasing game species abundance.Many state wildlife commissions and agencies—including those in Illinois,Louisiana,Missouri,New York,North Carolina,Pesylvania,South Carolina,Virgina,West, and Wyoming—have concluded that reducing predator numbers will not enhance populations of ungulates,small game animals,and game birds.These findings demonstrate that this common rationale forholding killing contests targeting predators is scientifically unfounded。

4.Wildlife killing contests do not prevent conflicts with humans,pets,or livestock-and may increase them

Although some argue that contests are needed to reduce depredation of livestock,such contests are not effective in removing individual,problem-causing animals.Most killing contests target predators in woodlands and grasslands,where conflicts with humans,pets,pets,and livestock are minimal.Studies have found that killing predators fragments social groups,which can increase the likelihood of livestock depredation.In a信号灯,more than70 conservation scientists concluded that killing contests do not represent the kind of target effor effective management of livestock depredations,and that indiscriminate killing of predators is likely to exacerbate risks to livestock。Implementing nonlethal methods to protect livestock is the most effective way to prevent conflicts。

Successes to Date

Ten states—Arizona,California,Colorado,Maryland,Massachusetts,New Mexico,New York,Oregon,Vermont,and Washington—have enacted bans on certain types of wildlife killing contests.In2014,the California Fish and Game Commission banned contests targeting game spec,furbears,and noamalies,2018,In2018, the Vermont General Assembly banned coyote killing contests.In2019,the New Mexico General Legislature banned coyote killing contests,the Arizona Fish and Game Commission banned contests for predator and furbearing species,and the Massachusets Division of Fisheries and Wildlife banned contests for predator and furbearing species.In2020, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission banned contests for furbearing species and certain small game species,and the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission banned contests for species without a bag limit.In, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission banned contests targeting unprotected mammals,and the New York State Assembly banned contests formost wildlife species,including coyotes,foxes,bobcats,squirrels,and other species.Additional states have pending legislation or have proposed rules that ould limit, and federal legislation was introduced in 2022to ban contests on public lands。

What You Can Do

Please take action to help end wildlife killing contests.Here are some steps you can take:

  • Learn more about wildlife killing contests from theNational Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests
  • 使用,使用toolkitto learn how to advocate for bans on wildlife killing contests。
  • Call,send letters,and meet with your静态照明器to encourage them to ban wildlife killing contests。
  • Call,send letters,and meet with your state’s wildlife agency staff and wildlife commissioners to encourage them to ban wildlife killing contests。
  • Ask your US representative to cosponsorHR7398
  • Encourage your city or county council to pass a resolution or an ordinance against wildlife killing contests.For guidance,review these sample回收,回收
  • Write a letter to the editorof your newspaper to raise awareness about killing contests and to encourage readers to express their opposition to the contests to their lawmakers
  • Educate your family,neighbors,and friends by informing them about wildlife killing contests and what they can do to help end them.Hand out thisinformational postcard单击功能区上,端到端,端到端,端到端blank postcardto send to policymakers。
  • Host a screening项目Coyote’s award-winning documentaryKILLING GAMES—Wildlife in the Crosshairsand Comfort Theory’sWildlife Killing Contestsand invite stakeholders to attend。
  • Help shut down contests in your state by politely urging event hosts and sponsors to stop supporting the killing of wildlife for cash and prizes.Sample letters can be found in thistoolkit
  • Donate your time and/or provide financial support to wildlife protection organizations working to end wildlife killing contests。