Endangered Marine Species

Vaquita marina-Photo by Tom Jefferson

Just like terrestrial animals,the creatures of the sea face myriad threats to their survival,both anthropogenic and natural,and many are in trouble.Our oceans appear vast and teeming with life,and until recently,were routinely viewed as containing ining infinite resources.In actuality,many marine species are decreasing at an alarming rate and are considered endangered.All manner of marine species are affected,including cetaceans(whales,dolphins and portpoises),seabirds,sea turtles,sharks and other fish,and marine invertebrates.The consequences of loss of species in the marine environment are significant,both ecologically and economically。

Threats to marine species are varied and—given the nature of the marine environment,with its great expanses and depths—often difficult to see,difficult to measure,and difficult to address.Principal anthropgenic threats to the survival of marine species include fisheries interactions(anglets and,hunting and capture by humans,ship strikes,pollution and habitat degradation,and climate change。

Vaquitas and Toabas

Identified only50years ago,the critically endangered vaquita is endemic to Mexico’s Upper Gulf of California.Reaching a maximum length of about four feet,the porpoise is gray,with dark stripes running from its flippers to the middle of its lower lip.As recently as20years ago, there were approximately600vaquitas swimming in the Gulf.As of late2015,60vaquitas were reported,and the numbers are believed to have fallen even further since then。读数,读数