
Does balding of a man mean too much sex

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hair is the excess of blood (hair is generated by excess blood), and the kidney is in the hair (the glory of the kidney is shown in the hair). Therefore, we can know the whole body by observing the state of blood essence. However, excessive sexual life will consume blood essence, so some people say that balding men are more indulgent.

Male science experts believe that excessive sexual life may indeed cause alopecia However, after conditioning, the fallen hair will grow out slowly without causing baldness.

Excessive sexual life refers to the abnormal increase in the number of sex when the body is under the control of drugs or when the psychology is stimulated. Normal sex makes people feel happy and refreshed the next day. If the number of sex is more than normal, and there are fatigue, sweating and other symptoms, it can be regarded as excessive sexual life.

There is no exact standard for judging sexual excess, which can be roughly judged from the following aspects:

First, there was mental depression dizzy Dizziness, aching waist and knee, shortness of breath and fatigue insomnia More dreams and other symptoms.

Second, in the days after sex, people often lose their concentration, efficiency and memory in work.

Third, the body's immunity declines.

In case of one or more of the above three situations, the number of sexual life can be adjusted appropriately.

For people with excessive sexual life, traditional Chinese medicine can be used to regulate:

First, moderate sexual intercourse, especially after drinking.

Second, don't eat spicy food and eat more vegetables.

Third, drink more medlar and jujube porridge and red bean porridge. Lycium barbarum and red jujube porridge can be eaten as a snack, which can calm the mind, calm the nerves, and open the heart and kidney; The red bean porridge has the effect of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, dispersing blood and detumescence.

Expert consultant of sexual happiness class: Li Hongjun

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  • Expert Profile

    • full name: Li Hongjun
    • Introduction: Professor and doctoral supervisor
      Chief physician of urology department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital

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