Lecturer: Gu Jin
Gu Jin, Director of Colorectal Tumor Surgery Department of Peking University Cancer Hospital
Expertise: nerve sparing radical surgery for rectal cancer
All diseases can be prevented by scientific means, and cancer is no exception. What lifestyle has cancer risk in daily life, and what are the common mistakes in cancer prevention and treatment?

Host Wang Ying: Dear friends on Sina. com, hello! Welcome to the program of Famous Doctors Hall on Sina Health Channel. I'm Wang Ying, the host. Once you get a tumor, everyone feels terrible. Is there any specific treatment method? Today we invite an expert to talk about this topic and introduce him to everyone. He is Professor Gu Jin, director of colorectal cancer surgery at Beijing Cancer Hospital. Welcome! Say hello to our netizens.

Gu Jin: Hello, everyone!

Host Wang Ying: As I said just now, when we talk about tumors, they are especially terrible. When we talk about cancer, they are even more terrible. What's the difference between tumors and cancer?

Gu Jin: Cancer is a name that sounds terrible to ordinary people. In fact, it is a malignant tumor, and it is epithelial origin called cancer.

Host Wang Ying: It is also a kind of tumor, malignant tumor.

Gu Jin: Besides cancer, what else is there? For example, leukemia and lymphoma are also malignant tumors.

Host Wang Ying: But leukemia has always been considered as a blood disease.

Gu Jin: Yes, but the so-called cancer is generally a solid tumor. The so-called diseases of the blood system, such as leukemia and lymphoma, are caused by abnormal proliferation of blood tissue. Macroscopically, tumors generally refer to solid tumors, and more generally, they are diseases with hyperplasia, such as benign tumors and malignant tumors. There are solid tumors and blood tumors in malignant tumors. Blood tumors, such as leukemia and lymphoma in blood, have a broader concept, including benign tumors. If we talk about cancer, it is a malignant tumor.

Compere Wang Ying: Is a good tumor likely to become a cancer if it is not treated in time?

Gu Jin: Yes. What are benign tumors and malignant tumors. Benign tumors, generally speaking, have a clear tumor boundary. Their behavior is only local, not far away. This is called benign tumors. For example, as we usually say, an adenoma of the thyroid or an adenomatous muscle advocated by us will no longer grow after being cut off. Malignant, first, the way of growth is different. Benign tumors are like eggs, while malignant tumors are like crabs. This tumor has unclear boundaries, like a tree root, which has many branches when pulled out. These things grow in different ways. Second, they behave differently. They run to other parts besides growing in the same place, and can run to the lungs To the liver, to the skull, to the blood, this is the transfer. If the person has already transferred and is in advanced stage, he has gone to other places from this lesion. The malignant tumor did not stay in place, and finally the whole body broke up, so the metastasis of the whole body was not easy to handle.

Host Wang Ying: So the malignant tumor is not a benign transformation?

Gu Jin: Some benign tumors can become malignant tumors. We say that the growth of tumors has a process, not a malignant nature, but a gradual change. For example, a tumor of the digestive tract has a small polyp at the beginning, and some grow into an adenoma. The longer the adenoma grows, the bigger it becomes, and after the proliferation reaches a certain degree, it becomes malignant, from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Host Wang Ying: So there should be no problem in timely discovery and treatment.

Gu Jin: Yes, so people think that talking about cancer turns pale.

Host Wang Ying: Yes, it's always late to find out.

Gu Jin: When people talk about cancer, they feel terrible. When TV shows say that the music of cancer has changed, the erhu has sounded, and the leaves have fallen, this person is no good. In fact, this is not the case. There are three 1/3 cancers, that is, one third of cancers can be prevented, and one third of cancers can be treated to extend life and cured, One third of cancers can alleviate symptoms and relieve symptoms through treatment. That is to say, although the cancer has not yet been completely eradicated, as long as it is found early, a considerable number of patients have very good treatment results.

Host Wang Ying: Director Gu, let's talk about prevention first. Can tumors be found through physical examination or self inspection?

Gu Jin: Generally speaking, tumor is a gradual process. We suggest that after the age of 35 or 45, some units should have a healthy physical examination after the age of 40. The simplest physical examination is to draw a blood, do a B-ultrasound, take a chest X-ray, and also do a blood before defecation. I work in the digestive tract. Why emphasize blood before defecation? If there is positive blood before defecation, it means that there is some blood in the stool to see if there is a problem in the digestive tract, and colonoscopy can also be done. So physical examination is actually very important for people over 45 or 40 years old. Because of the high incidence age of cancer, most cancers are not in young people, but in middle-aged and elderly people.

Host Wang Ying: Is it because of the decline of immunity?

Gu Jin: This is also a problem that is not fully understood. It is true that children also have children's cancer. For example, children's leukemia also occurs in children. Children's osteocytomas or bone malignancies all occur in children, but generally cancer increases at the age of 50 and 60. I do digestive tract tumors, such as colon cancer. In our country, the peak of 50 to 60 years old is relatively high, and even higher in foreign countries. Most people aged 60 to 70 years old have colon cancer. Why should I have a physical examination from the age of 40? We can find some things that can predict the occurrence of cancer, and then remove them, which is very beneficial. So what I said just now is that if you take a blood sample from the blood, why do you want to take a blood sample? Some small molecules in the blood are now considered to be related to tumors. For example, if this thing rises, it indicates that it may have some tumors. We call it molecular markers. Taking some blood samples may provide us with some information. According to the chest film, if there is a focus in the lung, there will be shadows. If the digestive tract does blood before defecation, you can also see whether there is blood. If there is blood, you can also prompt. Therefore, through these examinations, some early lesions may be found, but some cancers are found later, because the normal location is relatively deep and there is no symptom. After the symptoms finally appear, it is later to find the compression symptoms, abdominal pain.

Host Wang Ying: Is it enough to have a physical examination once a year?

Gu Jin: Enough for the physical examination. I will do it after I am 45 or 40 years old.

Host Wang Ying: Tell us to take precautions.

Gu Jin: Yes, so the first thing to prevent is physical examination. Secondly, cancer has some precancerous lesions that may become cancer in the future, such as intestinal polyps, such as some fibromas and adenomas of the thyroid, some adenomas of the breast, or some intestinal adenomas of the intestine. These lesions may become cancer in the future. When an adenoma is cut off, it is very small, less than 1 cm, and burned with an electric knife, it will not become cancer in the future. After precancerous lesions are removed in this way, you can prevent lovelessness. There are also peptic ulcer and inflammatory bowel disease, which are so-called precancerous lesions. People with precancerous lesions can not become cancer if they are removed after examination.

Host Wang Ying: In combination with your department, some people say that I have some inflammation in digestion, such as rectal cancer. Will I have chronic tumors?

Gu Jin: There are two types of intestinal inflammation, which are relatively obvious precancerous lesions. One is inflammatory bowel disease, which is very severe. The patient has bloody bowels. The symptoms are also prominent and thin. Karon's disease is also a kind of disease. These two diseases are so-called precancerous lesions. These people should pay attention to them.

Another situation is that familial polyposis. If it is familial polyposis, it is a hereditary disease. When enteroscopy was done, there were more than 100 polyps in it, small polyps like toad skin. The current medicine believes that such patients will become cancer after they are 40 years old.

Host Wang Ying: Is it a potential patient?

Gu Jin: For example, when this person finds that his intestines are all polyps, he will become cancer when he is 40 years old.

Host Wang Ying: Is there any cure method?

Gu Jin: The whole colon is to be cut off, so this is the case for some patients with young familial polyposis. Finally, the whole colon is to be removed.

Host Wang Ying: Many people will worry about whether there will be heredity if they get cancer. You just said that the polyp heredity of family history, will cancer be inherited, or will he infect others after he gets cancer?

Gu Jin: First of all, heredity and infection are two concepts. What is the concept of heredity? It refers to the family transmission between father and child. Children come from both parents' genes. Now it is believed that tumor and heredity are related. The main reason is environmental factors, and some factors are genetic factors. However, genetic factors do not play a major role in the occurrence and development of tumors. If it is 70%, it may be 30%.

Host Wang Ying: It's not a small proportion.

Gu Jin: Yes, his genetic disease does not mean that his father has stomach cancer and his child has stomach cancer. It is not like this. He inherits this quality. He is sensitive to the environment, or his body is more suitable for cancer or what. We know that the cause of cancer is not clear now. People can't prevent it if they don't know why. They can't prevent what they say. The so-called heredity means that there may be some factors that you can change. For example, in the current life, his father smokes. Now he believes that smoking must be related to lung cancer. His smoking causes lung cancer, and your child doesn't smoke. I don't have this habit. My chance of getting lung cancer is much smaller, because lung cancer is clearly related to smoking, So if you know this habit, despite your genetic background, you do not smoke. You do not have this external factor other than heredity, and you may not have cancer.

When we talk about infection, what is it about infection? When we talk about infectious diseases, there are three conditions for infectious diseases: source of infection, route of transmission, and susceptible people. That means I may infect him when I cough. He can get in after inhaling. Cancer is not infectious. It is not said that this person will get cancer if he sits here and eats together or through any contact, Someone has done such an experiment. If you beat the blood of a mouse with cancer into the blood of a mouse without cancer, it is not infectious.

Host Wang Ying: Many people say that I take some tonic drugs like I have cancer, or that I take some tonic drugs before I get cancer to improve my immunity. Do you think it is useful?

Gu Jin: That is to say, can cancer be prevented? First of all, the reason is unclear, but several factors are clear. What is cancer related to? The first is obesity. Obesity and overweight are related to bowel cancer and breast cancer. If you don't want to get breast cancer and bowel cancer, you can't be obese. First, let's talk about the first prevention: lose weight and don't be overweight. There is less chance of getting bowel cancer and less chance of getting breast cancer. Second, smoking is not allowed. You have less chance of getting lung cancer if you don't smoke. It doesn't mean that you can't get lung cancer if you don't smoke. It's impossible to say that someone has smoked for 20 years without getting lung cancer. But now it is clear that smoking must have something to do with it.

Host Wang Ying: We are talking about reducing the probability.

Gu Jin: So whether prevention can be prevented, the first is to lose weight and the second is not to smoke. This is prevention. Now it is believed that diet is related to cancer. For example, high protein diet, high fat diet, and pickled food, one of them is obesity, which can cause cancer, and some chemical substances, preservatives, and preservatives are carcinogenic. If we talk about our diet structure, eat less pickled and smoked food, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, we can reduce the risk of cancer, which is also a prevention. We talk about sports, not smoking, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, not eating pickled things, plus exercise to improve their immunity, which is all right.

But there is a misunderstanding. Some people say eating asparagus to prevent cancer, some people say eating agaric to prevent cancer, and others say eating barley seed rice to prevent cancer. So far, none of the food said that eating it would not cause cancer, and there is no such thing at present. All these things are good things to increase immunity. When I am well, I will not be bullied by cancer. When I am ill, I will be bullied by cancer. In terms of food, it's not like eating asparagus when it's ready. For example, tomatoes have anti-cancer ingredients. Can you eat ten jin of tomatoes? Can't eat. I am not willing to give such advice on relying on food to prevent cancer. In terms of cancer prevention, it is said that if you eat more food, you will prevent cancer, and if you eat more food, you will not prevent cancer. I think as long as you eat a balanced diet, you will have less chance of cancer. Why? If this thing prevents cancer, eat this thing every day, and one day the research said that this thing contains carcinogens.

Wang Ying, the host: It was overestimated.

Gu Jin: You eat many times more than others. Now our country also emphasizes food safety and pesticide reduction, but we are not sure. What should we do? I eat everything. You are just a little poisonous. I can't kill you if I eat it. But don't just eat one thing and have more chances. Do not eat pickles, fresh vegetables, balanced diet, good mood. Good mood is very important, because people now think that the mental state of people is related to cancer. Recently, a partial article was published in Cell magazine, which put the mice with cancer in a small box to limit their movement, and free range breeding, which can play and have fun. Finally, it was found that free range mice live longer and have smaller tumors. Restricted. If he is confined to the cage every day, the tumor grows larger. He is in a bad mood and unhappy. How can he be so free? How can I stay here? His bad mood has something to do with the tumor. So people's work pressure, people's study pressure, life pressure, will give people's body immunity is a blow. The other is overloaded work, because we have many actors who are very dedicated and play many roles. They work overtime during the day and at night, and finally work overload.

Host Wang Ying: Too much pressure.

Gu Jin: With too much pressure and too much physical exertion, his immunity will decline, and he may have more chances of getting cancer. Because many famous actors in the performing arts industry end up with cancer, it is relevant.

Host Wang Ying: If you have cancer, can you completely eradicate it through surgery?

Gu Jin: It can be said that because I just talked about three thirds of early cancers, early cancers are found in time, such as some early gastric cancer and early intestinal cancer. After we cut off the tumor, the effect is still very good.

Host Wang Ying: So is the treatment of cancer mainly surgery?

Gu Jin: Generally speaking, cancer treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and some biological treatments. Now there are also some molecular targeted treatments. These have different means, but actually the goal is to target a solid tumor. For example, blood tumors mainly rely on chemotherapy and drugs, because blood may not cut it, So solid tumors are mainly cut by medicine and surgery. If they can be cut off, they can be cut off. Sometimes, why can't they be cut off? There are multiple tumors everywhere. It is not meaningful to cut them anywhere else.

Compere Wang Ying: Can we only rely on ourselves in this situation?

Gu Jin: By chemotherapy, the small ones are eliminated and the large ones are cut off. It will be better after recovery.

Host Wang Ying: Director Gu, is the treatment of this tumor expensive?

Gu Jin: Now we also carry out "Healthy Beijing, Health Census" and "Women's Two Cancer Census" in Beijing. These are all for the purpose of early detection. As long as they are found in time, such as digestive tract tumors, the cost will be low if they are cut off. If chemotherapy and targeted treatment are used, the cost will be high.

Host Wang Ying: There are some questions from netizens, and I would like to ask you.

Netizen: What factors in the family are likely to cause cancer?

Gu Jin: What are family factors, members or environment?

Host Wang Ying: It should be the environment.

Gu Jin: For environmental factors, let's talk about decoration. I think decoration has something to do with it. There are a lot of benzene and other harmful substances in the decoration. For example, if you stay at home for a long time, you will feel uncomfortable in your throat, which is benzene.

Host Wang Ying: So the newly decorated house needs to be aired for a while?

Gu Jin: Yes. At the beginning, the relationship between cancer and these things. At the beginning, how was testicular cancer discovered? There was chimney sweeping. In Europe, there was a fireplace. The flue was narrow, so children came to sweep. Later, it was found that these children had a lot of testicular cancer. Later, it was found that there was something carcinogenic in it. At home, I think the environment has something to do with the air and decoration. Second, for example, if someone smokes at home, even the third brother smokes, and both father and son smoke, it is easy to get cancer. In addition, if there is a room with children, adult smoking must be bad for children. There is also food. People eat together. What you eat is high in protein and fat all day long. Barbecue, bacon and salted meat are not good. So I think these things are family factors. There is also the genetic factor, which is something we can't see. Father passed it on to him, and he passed it on to him. If you want to say that family is like this, people, environment, that's all.

Host Wang Ying: Through our chat, netizens also watch online. They also have their own problems. A friend who has had a tumor has been surgically removed. He is worried that he may get it again. Will it be like this?

Gu Jin: After the operation, according to the standard, we have our own rules. After the operation, we need to review every three months. For example, after the operation, the most likely place to recur is the place where he had the operation. So we need to closely observe this place, such as B ultrasound and CT, to find out whether this place will appear, In addition, if there is any problem in the blood, it should be checked every three months for two consecutive years, three, four and twelve. In this way, it should be done once a year in the fifth year. Generally speaking, the most likely recurrence is within two years.

Host Wang Ying: If nothing happens, there will be nothing.

Gu Jin: Yes, five years is generally a long-term survival.

Netizen: Common mistakes in tumor prevention.

Host Wang Ying: Just now, we also talked about some contents. Is there any mistake in the treatment?

Gu Jin: The first mistake in the treatment is that the tumor cannot be touched. It spreads when touched. In fact, it does transfer along this needle path. But in most cases, it is necessary to do caustic soda and puncture. If a tumor is found in the abdomen and it is in the abdomen, if you don't know what the reason is, you can't give medicine. If it is a tumor, it is a stromal tumor after puncture. There is a specific drug, and it shrinks after cutting. It does not mean that the puncture will spread.

Host Wang Ying: Is this treatment very painful?

Gu Jin: Not really. Sometimes puncture can be done under the guidance of B-ultrasound. There is also a misunderstanding. Cancer patients cannot eat. After eating, you will have a long nutritional cancer. So muscle therapy is a big misunderstanding. I don't know if you have heard that the tumor patient can't eat, and the tumor he eats well also eats well.

Host Wang Ying: Of course I have.

Gu Jin: Why is this wrong? The nutrition of tumor is not fed by eating. The nutrition of tumor is fed by blood vessels. Because the tumor is a solid body, it can grow up by a blood vessel. All food we eat is fed by blood vessels. We eat good food and give it more nutrition. There is a saying, but if you don't eat this nutrient solution, you have to give it, and blood will flow. So whether you eat or not does not mean that the nutrition in this place is good. When the immunity of the human body is improved, you will have the ability to resist it. In fact, the tumor now depends on this supply vessel. We mainly use some drugs to knock out this supply vessel, and it will shrink. Without blood supply, the tumor cannot grow so large, so its blood vessels are very important. It's not that people eat and say that if I eat more, I will grow faster. It's not that concept. Its nutrition depends on blood vessels. So we want to cure the tumor, wean the tumor, choke the blood vessel, and it will die. If you are hungry, it will not die. As long as there is blood flow, there will be nutrition.

Host Wang Ying: In fact, today's topic, including the topic of prevention and the problem of misunderstanding, can be said for a long time, but our existing time may only end here. Director Gu, at the end of our program, would you please also make a summary of the topic we talked about today?

Gu Jin: I think what we are talking about today is that we should have a correct understanding of tumors. I want to say that first, we should quit smoking, second, we should exercise, and third, we should not panic if we have tumors. Go to a regular hospital for examination. Many tumors can be cured.

Host Wang Ying: Thank you, Director Gu. I believe that after listening to your words, everyone will have a more correct understanding of the tumor. If you really say you can get the tumor, don't be afraid. We will treat it in a timely manner. There are some scientific methods, so everyone should still have a correct understanding of this problem.

Gu Jin: Yes.

Host Wang Ying: Thank you for watching. Thank you for today's guests. Goodbye!

Exclusive suggestion for this issue
The first thing to prevent cancer is to quit smoking, the second thing is to exercise, and the third thing is not to panic when you get cancer. Go to a regular hospital for inspection. Many tumors can be cured.