Six Dietary Habits of Longevity Old People

Since ancient times, people have always wanted to live a long life. Let's take a look at the secret of longevity of long-lived people

  1、 Like to eat porridge

From the perspective of eating habits, all long-lived old people like porridge. Ma Yinchu, a well-known economist in China, and Zhang Guijun, his wife, are both centenarians. They especially like porridge. Every morning, they add 50g oatmeal to 250g boiling water and brew it for two minutes. Every day, without interruption.

The elderly are most suitable for taking millet porridge as the best tonic. The weak and sick elderly can often use millet porridge to nourish their bodies. Millet benefits five internal organs, thickens intestines and stomach, fills body fluid, strengthens muscles and bones, and grows muscles. A famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty said, "Millet is the best food for people. Rice oil is better than ginseng soup when cooking rice porridge." It can be seen that it is reasonable for long-lived old people to like rice porridge.

2、 Staple food corn

Corn is the staple food for the elderly. The American Medical Association once made a census and found that Native Americans and Indians rarely suffered from hypertension and Arteriosclerosis Because their staple food is corn. Medical researchers found that old corn contains a large amount of lecithin, linoleic acid, cereal alcohol and vitamin E, and regular eaters are not prone to hypertension and arteriosclerosis.

  3、 Drink milk regularly

Drinking milk is a common habit of long-lived people, especially those who live in cities.

It is said that 80% of American centenarians are women, and their common eating habit is to drink milk. Benin, the centenarian, drinks two cups of milk every day, sometimes more, so when she is 100 years old, she still hasn't osteoporosis sign.

The content of lysine in milk is high, the content of cholesterol is low, and all carbohydrates are lactose, which can be converted into lactic acid in the intestinal tract, and has the effect of inhibiting the growth of putrefactive bacteria.

Milk is rich in calcium, has a high absorption rate, and also contains more vitamins A, D and riboflavin, which are necessary and beneficial for the elderly.

The fermented milk is made into cheese, which can be prevented after being eaten often dental caries

Drinking yogurt can reduce cholesterol, so people who often drink yogurt are not prone to cardiovascular disease, but also can improve their eyesight, strengthen their teeth and prevent cell aging.

  4、 One egg a day

Eating an egg every day has become a common habit of long-lived people.

According to the arrangement of nutrition, Dr. Chen Hansheng, a Chinese centenarian and well-known economist, sticks to the "Three Ones" every day: "Eat an egg in the morning, drink a glass of milk in the evening, and eat a big apple in the middle." He eats more vegetables and less meat three times a day, and scientifically arranges his diet to eat healthily.

Nutritionists determine that egg white contains a lot of water and protein. Egg white protein is extremely rich in amino acids, and its composition ratio is very suitable for human needs. This protein has the highest utilization rate in the human body. Protein can repair liver tissue damage. Lecithin in egg yolk can promote the regeneration of liver cells, increase the amount of human plasma protein, and enhance the metabolic function and immune capacity of the body. Lecithin can release choline after being digested by human body, and choline can improve memory. Egg yolks are rich in inorganic salts, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins.

In addition, eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, and fat is saturated fatty acid. Eating too many eggs will greatly increase the intake of cholesterol, which will cause atherosclerosis And endanger the heart and cerebrovascular, and increase the burden of liver and kidney.

  5、 Eat more sweet potatoes

Eating sweet potatoes is a great favor for the long-lived elderly. According to the research of medical experts, sweet potatoes have five major effects: 1. They are nourishing and harmonious;

2. Broad bowel ventilation to promote defecation;

3. Nourishing qi and fluid, enhancing immunity;

4. Containing anti-cancer substances, which can prevent and fight cancer;

5. Resist aging and prevent arteriosclerosis.

Medical experts say that sweet potatoes contain a lot of mucin, so they can prevent and cure the atrophy of connective tissue of liver and kidney, and enhance human immunity; It also has the function of eliminating reactive oxygen species and avoiding the induction of reactive oxygen species cancer Because sweet potato contains more calcium and magnesium, it can prevent and treat osteoporosis.

   6、 Eat more tofu

Old people generally like tofu. They said, "Fish makes a fire, meat makes phlegm, and cabbage and tofu keep the peace." The Diet of Living with the Rest says, "You can make it everywhere. The rich and the poor are easy to find out from the majority of religious leaders in vegetarian diet. You can also eat meat dishes. The taste of people who are frozen in the winter months is very beautiful."

The main components of tofu are protein and isoflavones. Tofu has the functions of supplementing qi, tonifying deficiency, reducing blood lead concentration, protecting the liver and promoting metabolism. Eating tofu regularly is beneficial to health and intellectual development. The elderly often eat tofu, which has good dietotherapy effect on angiosclerosis, osteoporosis and other diseases. (excerpted from the American Diaspora)

Article keywords: the elderly longevity diet food habit

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