Never do these short-lived things in summer

10:00, May 21, 2015    Health Times   Collect this article      

In summer, some people like to drink green tea to quench their thirst. Although green tea is unfermented tea, it retains more natural substances in fresh leaves, including tea polyphenols and caffeine, which can retain more than 85% of fresh leaves, it is these natural ingredients that will have adverse effects on human body if drunk on an empty stomach.

  Drinking tea on an empty stomach: stimulates the intestines and stomach

On an empty stomach, some of the active substances in the tea will combine with the protein in the stomach, which will stimulate the stomach and easily hurt it. It will also dilute the digestive juice and affect digestion. At the same time, on an empty stomach, some substances in tea are easy to be absorbed excessively, such as caffeine and fluorine. Caffeine can make some people feel flustered, dizzy, weak hands and feet, trance and other symptoms, which is called "tea intoxication" phenomenon in medicine.

   Cold water bath: injure blood vessels and cervical vertebra

In the hot summer season, when I come home sweating heavily, I always want to take a cold bath. However, people with poor physique may have symptoms such as limited neck movement and numbness of hands and feet. Especially when you just get home, you'd better not blow the air conditioner or take a shower immediately.

Cold water topping can explode blood vessels. After exercise, the blood flow is fast, and the blood vessels relax. When the cold water is poured, the blood vessels contract immediately, while the blood is still flowing rapidly, the pressure of the blood vessels will rise immediately. When the blood vessels contract too fast, the blood vessels will naturally break, and even life will be in danger.

Remind that when the body is hot during exercise, you should never use the whole basin of cold water to cool down. Even if you like to take a cold bath, you'd better wipe it with a wet towel first to cool down the body and slow down the blood flow.

  Sleeping in a cool place: easy to get heat syndrome

When taking a cool breath, do not stay under the eaves or in the passageway, but keep away from the gap between the doors and windows, in case of summer sickness caused by the thief wind. It is better to exercise in the morning or evening. It is not advisable to exercise too hard, sweat too much, and not only hurt yin, but also yang.

If it's too hot to sleep, you can open the window for ventilation after getting up in the morning, and then close the curtains before going to work. Turn on the air conditioner after work at night (about 27 degrees), and open the door of the room to ventilate with each other to keep the temperature difference balance of each room and create a cool environment that is naturally conducive to sleep.

   Raw and cold food: organs can't stand it

Cold drinks are an essential tool for relieving the heat. However, if cold drinks are kept in your mouth for a long time, your stomach and intestines will be unbearable. After a large amount of cold drinks enter the gastrointestinal tract, they will interfere with the normal peristalsis of the intestines and stomach, resulting in digestive dysfunction and functional indigestion , affect gastrointestinal blood supply, weaken the self repair ability of gastrointestinal mucosal barrier, and even induce abdominal pain Irritable bowel syndrome And so on. suffer from coronary heart disease and hypertension % of patients should not drink cold drinks, because a large amount of cold drinks will lead to vasoconstriction, increase blood pressure, and coronary artery contraction will induce angina pectoris

In summer, it is better to quench your thirst with warm water or cold boiled water. If you really want to taste cold drinks, do not exceed 150ml each time (about one-third of the ordinary mineral water bottle). It is advisable to eat no more than one ice cream and popsicle each time.

  Excessive sweating: dehydrated muscle acid

During exercise, body temperature rises and sweat output increases. If you do not replenish water in time, it is easy to cause dehydration during exercise. It will not only cause muscle fatigue, but also lead to decreased coordination, affecting normal exercise.

Sweating should be moderate. If you sweat too much, the body's yang will dissipate. If you don't have enough yang, the body will be cold inside. In autumn, it will cause cold and wet, which is easy to happen diarrhea , abdominal pain, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise properly. Morning running and swimming are both good choices. Every time you exercise, you need to sweat slightly and breathe heavily.

  Only eat light vegetarian food: innutrition

Because of the high temperature in summer, people like to eat light food. They think that it can relieve the heat and prevent fire. However, in summer, due to the high calorie consumption, nutrition should be fully supplemented. Heat stroke patients should mainly eat light food, but it is necessary to add fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. to ensure the necessary nutrients for the human body.

Article keywords: summer habit shorten one's life by over-indulgence

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