These people will hurt themselves if they eat dates

Speaking of the benefits of eating jujube, I'm afraid there are many people worthy of it. Indeed, jujube has many beneficial effects on the body, which can replenish qi, nourish blood and calm nerves. Weakness after illness anemia Patients and women with cold hands and feet in winter can recuperate their bodies through jujube. Jujube belongs to the same origin of medicine and food. It has its own unique medicinal properties. If you don't know the difference between the red and the white, and don't know the constitution, you can always use it as a tonic. Sometimes it can not play a role in health care, or even help.

Efficacy of jujube

1. Strengthening the spleen and stomach: the spleen and stomach are weak, diarrhea For those who are tired and weak, take seven red dates every day, or share them with Codonopsis pilosula and Atractylodes macrocephala, which can invigorate the middle and qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, increase appetite and stop diarrhea; Red dates, ginger and Pinellia ternata can be used together to treat the disease caused by careless diet gastritis Such as stomach distention, vomiting and other symptoms.

2. Nourishing qi and blood: red dates are good for nourishing. Red dates are often added to diet to nourish the body and nourish qi and blood. Dr. Andy Sun, an immunologist at Taiwan University, strongly advocates that eating more red dates, astragalus, and wolfberry at ordinary times can improve the vitality of the body and enhance immunity.

3. Nourishing blood and calming nerves: female Manic depressive disorder Crying, restlessness, etc. Use red dates, licorice, and wheat together to have the effect of nourishing blood, calming the nerves, soothing the liver and relieving depression.

4. Alleviate medicinal properties: red dates are often used in prescriptions with strong medicinal properties to reduce the side effects of strong medicines and protect vital energy. For example, in "Shizao Decoction", jujube is used to alleviate the toxicity of cathartics such as Gansui, Euphorbia, Wuhua, and protect the spleen and stomach from damage.

Four types of people, it is better to eat less or no jujube

Excessive phlegm and dampness

Such people often show thick and greasy tongue coating, sweet mouth, or greasy mouth, loss of appetite, usually feel the stomach is full, and serious cases will be accompanied by dizzy , nausea, vomiting, eyelid and facial edema and other symptoms. Jujube's greasy nature is easy to help damp, which makes it difficult to remove phlegm and dampness in the body, thus aggravating the above discomfort. People with this constitution are more suitable for eating food that can strengthen the spleen and promote dampness, such as job's tears, red beans, yams, loofah, etc.

People who love fire

This kind of person is hot and often appears constipation , bad breath, sore throat and gums and other symptoms of burning, while jujube is sweet and warm, and tends to be warm and tonic. If you eat a lot, it will be like adding oil to the fire.

   cold Initial patients

At the beginning of a cold, the evil of wind cold or wind heat invading the human body is in full swing. If you eat jujube at this time, its sticky nature will often lead to the retention of evil, resulting in the consequence of "staying behind", making it difficult to expel the disease and evil in the body, which is not conducive to recovery.

   diabetes patient

Jujube contains more sugar, which will increase the blood sugar of diabetic patients and aggravate their condition. Therefore, people with high blood sugar should not eat more jujube.

How to eat jujube:

In traditional Chinese medicine, women have symptoms such as manic depression, restlessness, etc. Suitable amount of lily, lotus seed and red jujube can be used for conditioning. If boiled with millet, it can better play the role of red dates to calm the nerves.

Jujube and Guilian Congee

Put the washed glutinous rice, dates and lotus seeds into the pot together and add some water. First boil them with boiling water, then boil them gently. When they are boiled to a thick consistency, add longan meat and some rock sugar, and then cook them for a while.

This prescription has the effect of promoting fluid, moistening dryness, calming the nerves and nourishing blood. It is suitable for deficiency of heart and spleen, deficiency of qi and blood, loss of appetite, weakness of limbs insomnia Dreaminess, and Impotence Spermatorrhea Premature ejaculation Other diseases also have good effects.

Method of red jujube and chrysanthemum porridge

Materials: 5-10 red dates, 100g black rice, 15g chrysanthemum,

Usage: Add some water to cook the porridge. When the porridge is thick, add some brown sugar.

Efficacy: This prescription has the effects of strengthening the spleen and blood, clearing the liver and brightening the eyes. Regular consumption can make the face ruddy, and play the role of health care, disease prevention, beauty retention.

Method of Job's tears and red dates porridge

Ingredients: 50g Job's tears, 10 red dates, 100g glutinous rice, and some brown sugar.

Preparation method:

1. Wash the job's tears and glutinous rice, soak them in water for 4 hours, remove them and drain them; Wash and drain the red dates.

2. Put job's tears and glutinous rice into a pot, pour some (800ml) water into it, boil it over high fire, turn it over to low fire, then add red dates, boil it until the rice grains are gelatinized into porridge, and then serve it. Add brown sugar according to personal preference.

Efficacy: Warming the spleen and stomach, tonifying the middle and supplementing qi.


Article keywords: Jujube Jujube

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