Health Home Page > Disease bank > internal medicine > GI Medicine > Peptic ulcer > prevention

Disease profile

  • Disease name: peptic ulcer
  • Location: abdomen
  • Department: Department of Gastroenterology
  • Symptoms and signs: In addition to middle and upper abdominal pain, the disease can also have other gastrointestinal symptoms such as increased salivary secretion, heartburn, nausea, acid belching, belching, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Prevention of peptic ulcer

The formation and development of peptic ulcer is related to the digestion of gastric acid and pepsin in gastric juice, so it is forbidden to go to work and sleep on an empty stomach. It is not difficult to make ulcer heal to scar stage in a short time (2-4 weeks), but the key is to prevent ulcer recurrence. Repeated ulcer attacks are more harmful. Abstain from bad living habits and reduce the stimulation of tobacco, alcohol, spicy, strong tea, coffee and some drugs are of great significance to the healing of ulcers and the prevention of recurrence.

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The doctor said

Li Qiang
Head of Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

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With the improvement of life quality, a disease called "silent killer" has crept into our life

Wen Shaojun
Beijing Anzhen Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University

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