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Disease profile

  • Disease name: gastritis
  • Location: abdomen
  • Department: Department of Gastroenterology
  • Symptoms and signs: acute gastritis is characterized by epigastric discomfort, pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and black stool. The course of chronic gastritis is prolonged, and most of them have no obvious symptoms and signs. Generally, only indigestion symptoms such as fullness after meals, pantothenic acid, belching, and irregular abdominal pain can be seen. The diagnosis mainly depends on gastroscopy and biopsy of gastric mucosa.

Prevention of gastritis

1、 Keep mentally happy: mental depression or excessive tension and fatigue can easily lead to pyloric sphincter dysfunction, bile reflux and chronic gastritis.

2、 Try to drink less and smoke less. It's better to quit smoking and abstain from alcohol if you have a bad stomach.

3、 Use with caution and avoid drugs that may damage the gastric mucosa. Long term abuse of such drugs will damage the gastric mucosa, thus causing chronic gastritis and ulcers.

4、 Actively treat oropharyngeal infection, and do not swallow sputum, nasal mucus and other bacterial secretions into the stomach to cause chronic gastritis.

5、 Irritating foods such as too sour and hot, and foods that are cold and raw and not easy to digest should be avoided as far as possible. When eating, chew carefully and swallow slowly, so that food can be fully mixed with saliva, which is conducive to digestion and reduces stomach irritation. The diet should be quantitative, nutritious and contain more vitamins A, B and C. Avoid taking strong tea, strong coffee and other stimulating drinks.


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The doctor said

Li Qiang
Head of Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University

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